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Partner With Us

We invite you to partner with us in the distribution of the Faithful at the End of Life: Pro-Life Advance Medical Directives project in one of three ways. The first is by becoming an endorsing partner. The second is by becoming a distributing partner. The third is by becoming a project sponsor.

Endorsing partners are organizations, churches, and institutions who would like to share their name or logo on our materials or website or who are interested in offering a “back page” style review and endorsement. Sponsors help us to print and send hard copies of the books for distribution in churches, medical offices, and more.


© October 2019 The Columbus Right to Life Educational Foundation and Greater Columbus Right to Life. This document and its contents may be copied, reprinted, and reproduced for use by the public, attorneys, physicians, health care facilities, bar associations, organizations, and churches. It may not be reproduced commercially for sale or a “suggested donation.” Attorneys may use the draft form for their clients and charge reasonable fees for appropriately modifying and/or executing the model documents to meet the needs of their clients.

We welcome donations to support the ongoing publication of this document and supporting programs, which are fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.


Greater Columbus Right to Life
4900 Reed Rd.
2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43220
